Sometimes trying to add some plant life into your decor can be tricky. Maybe you don't have enough light, space, or you were blessed with a black thumb. Look no further, because Marimo Moss Balls are here. They are actually an Algae that grow into green balls with a velvety appearance. Many people place them in aquariums with fish, but they can also live on their own in water filled containers with decorative rocks, shells, or ornaments.
I had two vases with shells that needed a little something extra. I was thrilled to set up this centerpiece.
I ordered these from the Marimo Pet Store on Amazon.
I was a bit worried because they shipped in an envelope. Inside was a tiny plastic bag with these six little guys, a tad flat but green and about 1/2 inch a piece. I followed the instructions provided. Rinsed them under water, squeezed them gently, and then added them to their container. Despite being in a baggie, outside during a frigid New England winter, they plumped up and brightened up.
Marimo will grow in tap water at room temperature as long as the water is changed every one or two weeks.Their growth rate is about 5 mm per year. All they need is normal household lighting or indirect sunlight. You should turn them over once in a while for them to keep their shape. See, they are VERY easy to take care of. Anyone can do it! Some of mine appear to be growing extra filaments, so already they are healthy enough to think about growing.
When exposed to lamplight, photosynthesis occurs and the Marimo will bubble, (dance) and float in their container. I believe my Marimo are happy little guys. After two weeks, they are all still a vibrant green and they take turns dancing.
I am very happy with these little guys and give them 5 out of 5 stars. I would recommend them to anyone who would like to add a low maintenance whimsical little plant into their home decor.
Fun Fact: As legend has it, the Marimo Moss Ball came to be by two lovers wishing a life together that was forbidden. When they could not fulfill this destiny, they fell into the water and their hearts became the Marimo Moss Balls. Also referred to as the “Love Plant,” this exquisite plant is believed to bring good fortune and luck to its owner.
I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
~Crystal Vicious
What an interesting little thing to have. They do seem to be a very neat little add on to a vase or glass jar with shells.