I ordered a plethora of Dinosaur Toys from Amazon, and had to come up with some grown up uses for them. This jewelry organizer is easy to make, unique, and adorable! It can hold tons of bracelets and necklaces too! It looks so fun hanging up on my wall. You could also use it for keys.
Wooden Plaque
X-Acto Blade
Hot Glue Gun
Optional: Paint ( I didn't paint mine...yet)
First, you need to cut your dinos in half with your X-Acto. Some people use just the dino heads, some just their tails. I used both. I cut them right above their hip bones.
I lined the six pieces up on the plaque to get a feel for where I would like to place them. Then I just added hot glue and pressed the body parts to the wood. I held each for a few seconds, then added some hot glue around the edges while they were against the wood for extra hold.
There you have it. Ready to hang on the wall and hold your jewelry, keys and whatnot. There are a ton of variations you can do depending on the shape of your plaque and the dino parts you use. Some people even paint over everything to give it a monochromatic look...but I'm a colorful gal so I left them natural. I'm seriously contemplating painting, or even gluing plants to the plaque.
Bonus: You can use a Brachiosaurus for a ring holder!
Thanks for checking out my tutorial. If you would like to make Dino planters, you can see how here.
~Crystal Vicious
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